Equestrian sport fashion manufacturers impress with quality and innovations

Comprising of 1.1 million horses belonging to 890,000 horse owners in Germany alone. Whilst 4 Mio people are riding on a regular basis (as of 2018), the sales market for horse products in Germany is large. However, over the past years the number of equestrian sport athletes has declined overall - furthermore a shift from classic english oriented equestrian sport athletes towards alternative riding styles and further activities with the horse is being observed.

The equestrian sport fashion industry has reacted to these changes and is adapting to suit the different demands and needs of their target groups by developing corresponding products, new ways of communicating and by offering consultancies. Hence, there is a multi-faceted and differentiated range of products and growth is hardly generated under the described market prerequisites. Future strategies have to focus further on the development of high-quality, innovative products in combination with a target group-specific consultation. In addition to retail brands that excel with a special price/performance ratio, brand management and development play an ever-increasing role.
In its big equestrian sport fashion 2018 survey , the HorseFuturePanel examined how equestrian sport athletes inform themselves about equestrian sport fashion and brands, which product characteristics they find important and which sales channels they prefer. Furthermore, around 70 equestrian sport brands are compared in terms of recognition, popularity, usage and satisfaction.